For a person in the UK, 1 kg of CO2 is roughly equivalent to –
- Driving around 4.5 miles in the average UK petrol car
- Flying around 2.3 miles on an airplane
- Travelling approximately 5.6 miles on a bus
- Travelling around 14 miles on a train
- Creating and setting 1.1 kg of cement
- Eating 470 kg of vegetarian mince
- Eating 285 g of turkey mince
- Eating 75 g of beef mince
- Eating 1.8 kg of apples
- Eating 3.3 kg of strawberries
- Boiling 163 litres of water in a kettle (that’s a lot!)
- Stay in a hotel room for 46 minutes (on average hotels emit 31 kg of CO2 per room a day!)
The UK emits 462 kg of CO2 per person per month, but on average someone from the UK consumes 878 kg of CO2 per month (as these emissions will have been generated in other countries, but bought and paid for by someone in the UK). Calculating emissions based on what people buy and consume is a more difficult, but more honest, way of assessing how a person’s behaviour impacts the climate 🌍
If every country in the world consumed as much carbon as the average UK person, we would emit enough carbon dioxide to warm the planet by 1.5C in just nine years.
Tred shows your carbon footprint in real time and helps you to understand it better. Download Tred today to to start tracking your footprint and reducing your impact - click here to find out more 📲